
Represents a subscriber.

Name Description Type Additional Info
Address The email address of the subscriber. string None.
Created The date/time that the subscriber was created. date None.
FaxNumber The fax number of the subscriber. string None.
FirstName The first name of the subscriber. string None.
HasEmail Flag that determines if the subscriber's global email channel is turned on. boolean None.
HasFax Flag that determines if the subscriber's global fax channel is turned on. boolean None.
HasSms Flag that determines if the subscriber's global SMS channel is turned on. boolean None.
LastName The last name of the subscriber. string None.
Modified The date/time that the subscriber was modified. date None.
SmsNumber The SMS number of the subscriber. string None.
SubscriberId The unique ID for the subscriber. globally unique identifier None.
SubscriberKey The key of the subscriber. string None.
Suppressed Flag that determines if the subscriber is suppressed. boolean None.
AccountManager The name of the subscriber's account mananger. string None.
AccountNumber Number associating the subscriber with a non-Engage account. string None.
AddressLine1 The subscriber's primary address. string None.
AddressLine2 Additional address information for the subscriber. string None.
City What city the subscriber is in. string None.
Company The subscriber's company name. string None.
State The subscriber's state of residence. string None.
ZipCode The subscriber's ZIP code. string None.
PreferredContentTopics The subscriber's preferred content topics. string None.
PreferredMediaTypes The subscriber's preferred media types. string None.
LanguagePreference The subscriber's preferred language. string None.
Subscriptions The list of subscriptions for the subscriber. Collection of SubscriberSubscriptionV3 None.
Attributes The list of attributes for the subscriber. Collection of SubscriberAttributeV3 None.